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Each model in HypoSite follows a DFN recipe (Excel) that can be more or less complex. Base models have in common the same global intensities, size distributions and fracture orientation. What differs between the models is the local variability, correlations, etc. See each model for details.
Intensities are given as P32, rescaled for each resolution in the various model domains (see nested models). Orientations are given as fracture normals (poles) using univariate Fisher distributions. Sizes are given as Powerlaw distributions.
Model volumes

HypoSite model volumes should be understood as the volumes in which fractures are generated. This is not the same as Domains. Each borehole, outcrop, tunnel etc is contained in a volume that defines its outer boundary (see also nested models).
Sampling domains

Boreholes, tunnels
Base models (BM)
BM-0. The simplest model
BM-1. Model with two fracture domains
- Intensity decreases width depth
- Different rate of intensity in the domains
- The “panelscale” inherits its average (global) P32 from the grid of the Site scale model. We do so by extracting all cells at k-dimensions 20-31 (out of 50) and take the average.
- The “tunnelscale” inherits its average (global) P32 from the grid of the Panel scale model. We do so by extracting all cells at k-dimensions 23-28 (out of 50) and take the average.